Where To Alter My Jeans
I’m sure you come across buying new jeans and only found out it doest fit at some part. Whether it’s too baggy at the thigh area or the length is too long for you, you are looking for a perfect fit.
While the manufacturer could only produce their jeans based on the statistic sizes, one size chart couldn’t fit all. If you like to wear your jeans comfortably and do not want it to look like your elder brother’s jeans, you might want to consider altering it to your fit. Well, the next question came, where and who to pass your beloved jeans to? How much does it cost? How long does it take? What could you do with it to make it fit better?
At JeansFix, we have close to 10 years experience in altering jeans. We understand your requirement of keeping the integrity of your jeans. Our standard procedure here in Jeansfix is to retain the original details of the jeans even after it’s altered. Our aim is nobody will even notice you have actually altered the jeans!
What do you think you could enhance the look of your jeans on your body?
What kind of alteration could do with your Jeans?
Jeans Length Alteration
Jeans Waist Reduction/Expansion
Jeans (Legs) Tapering
Jeans Crotch Alteration
Jeans Redesign – Changing of Cutting/Fitting
Jeans Repair – zipper replacement, hole patching, ripped jeans stitching
How long does it take to alter my jeans?
Typically 1-2 weeks. Express service available upon request.
How much does it cost to alter my jeans?
We have a price list on our homepage. Alternatively, please Whatsapp us with your jeans photo for a cost estimation.